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Let Go of Control

As a financial advisor, I work closely with my clients to help them intentionally plan, save, and invest. While these are essential components of financial health, it’s equally important to examine how our attachment to control over our finances can sometimes become an obstacle to our well-being.

The Craving for Control

It’s deeply ingrained in human nature to crave control. Historically, our survival often depended on anticipating threats and securing resources. This inherent need for control can manifest in various aspects of our lives, and our finances are no exception. The fear of uncertainty and loss serves as a powerful motivator, pushing us to strive to "beat the S&P" and "maximize returns" in an effort to create safety and security.

A Healthy Perspective on Finances

However, while it’s crucial to take action regarding your financial journey, I’m not advocating for reckless abandon. Instead, I encourage you to cultivate a healthy perspective on the unpredictable nature of both the market and life itself.

Imagine your financial journey as a river. You have the ability to steer your boat (your finances) with intention, using your knowledge and skills to navigate the currents (market fluctuations). However, you cannot control the river itself. Attempting to do so will only lead to frustration and stress.

Striking the Right Balance

Life is all about balance—knowing when to take the oars and when to go with the flow. This is why regular check-ins with a financial advisor are essential.