What If You Focused On Joy?
The Spring solstice is a natural time to freshen up, breathe in new life, and consider: what is it time to seed, what is it time to grow, and what is it time to clear out?
The Spring solstice is a perfect time to reconnect with purpose and joy
It is a perfect time, especially after the last two years, to take an inventory of our mental well being, and to reconnect with the things that bring us purpose and joy.
What brings you joy? What do you want to grow? What can you let go of? I'm growing my connection with my creative self, and just signed up for a Juicy Journal workshop 30 day challenge (check it out here). I'm letting go of my "shoulds" and have-tos," and my outdated definition of success
I suggest you apply these same questions as you consider your finances, habits, and relationships.
When reviewing your spending, "keep only those things that speak to the heart...."
Quoting Marie Kondo, when reviewing your spending,"keep only those things that speak to the heart and discard items that no longer spark joy." Discarding the things that don't add to your joy can help you free up the resources necessary to truly pursue your interests, goals and passions.
What brings you joy? What do you want to grow? What can you let go of?