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The Power of the Pause

When we listen, the stories we learn about others' dreams and goals can be powerful, and often different from what we may have assumed. Stories shared between people of diverse backgrounds can build a base of commonality to work together from, as well as enable new approaches pieced together from the shared experiences.

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Attention To Detail

We have so many things competing for our attention: our jobs, our families, our obligations - who has time to read an email, let alone fully digest its message? I don't know about you, but I am constantly applying triage to prioritize the competing demands of my life. The preface to digital articles, indicating how much time it will take you to read them, shows I am not alone.

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The Bank of Mom and Dad

American parents are spending upwards of $500 billion a year to support their adult children. Two-thirds of us are actually sacrificing our own financial security by providing the support. Others of us struggle with the worry that, by providing a financial crutch, we may actually be harming our children in the long run by not encouraging more responsible behavior.

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The Psychology of Giving

In a study of the relationship between spending choices and happiness, analysis of the data revealed that personal spending was not related to happiness, but higher levels of giving was significantly related to higher levels of happiness.

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Buy or Lease Your Next Car?

Perhaps you’re finding yourself in a situation similar to mine. My bright orange 2004 SUV has seen better days, and I’m tired of its never-ending need for repairs. Time for a new car! But there are decisions to be made. What make? What model? And, importantly, should the next car be leased or bought? Here are some key questions to help guide the decision.

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