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The Power of Appreciation in Money and Life

In the world of personal finance, “appreciation” has two important components: 1. In the quantitative realm, appreciation refers to the increasing value of financial assets. 2. In the qualitative realm, appreciation refers to feelings of gratitude for one’s financial resources and circumstances. Of course, both elements are extremely important, but it is actually the more qualitative “appreciative mindset” that is the best predictor of both increasing wealth and personal well-being in our lives.

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What Do You Need?

We are all guilty of referring to our “wants” as needs, such as “I need a new outfit for the party.” We are human, after all, and we desire pleasurable things and push away unpleasant things. The problem arises when, in pursuit of pleasure, we put our security, and our values, at risk.

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What Is Enough?

The people I work with have “enough” by most metrics: food on the table, a roof over their heads, access to health care services, not to mention cars, televisions, clothing and various forms of entertainment. Yet most remain anxious about their money, worried that it won’t last no matter what their level of wealth.

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Exquisite Listening

Interacting with people is always an opportunity for deep spiritual learning. For when we interact with others from a place of separateness and judgement, we face our greatest challenges. If, however, we can open to even a glimpse of other’s subjective reality, we can learn our greatest lessons.

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