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Talking about money is hard. Do it anyway.

Here’s a tough question: Is it hard for you to talk about money with your spouse or partner? It’s challenging for us to talk about money. One of the keys to talking about money: knowing that it’s going to be hard.

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Contagious magic of micro-actions

When tackling big, audacious goals, you don’t need big, audacious actions. All you need is the contagious magic of micro-actions. Because micro-actions spread.

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Getting ahead vs. having enough

Getting ahead is overrated as a goal. In fact, it might even be just plain stupid. Instead of fixating on getting ahead, what if we simply focused on having enough? Turns out, you’re allowed to do that!

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Entrepreneurship: myth vs. reality

The reality is that building a successful anything is messy and unpredictable, and success is anything but linear. You have good breaks and bad breaks. Anyone who says there isn’t luck involved is a liar. Sometimes it feels like you take ten steps backward for every step forward. You hit walls, challenges arise, people disappoint you. Things never go as planned…

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