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New Year's Tax Resolutions

What are you grateful for as you review your year? The end of 2022 is approaching. Many of us will be happy to wish this year goodbye. Year end is a also a good time to review your finances. This year's uncertainty withstanding, there are several tax advantages we can take advantage of now, before they go away or are decreased.

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How to Practice Awareness

Awareness is defined as "a state or condition of having knowledge or consciousness of a situation or fact." Given this definition, it would seem clear that we are each aware of how our choices impact our life situations.

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Navigating Periods of Uncertainty

It feels to many of us like a particularly uncertain period of time, doesn't it? After a long period of relative calm, market volatility has picked up. The 24/7 news flow has us all exhausted and anxious. What can we do to regain security and a sense of control over our lives? Relax. Nothing is under control. Ironically, the only way to regain a sense of equanimity towards our lives, and to the news flow that surrounds us, is to recognize that we have never been in control. Ever. Certainty is a myth we have created. It does not otherwise exist. Now, I'm not saying that there is no role for planning in our lives. I work as a financial planner after all! I structure investment portfolios to better weather market volatility, and make sure that my clients make crucial year end spending, saving and investing decisions. These are all geared toward living a meaningful life. But a financial plan is not a "one and done" event. The one certainty of a financial plan is that it will evolve and change over the years, as will the lives of the clients I created it for.

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Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Money

Are you concerned about money? was the question asked at a recent workshop I attended. Just about every hand in the room went up. Whether we're younger or older, single or married, professionals or stay at home moms, money is a source of anxiety for most if not all of us. It isn't surprising, given the complex relationship we have with money.

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Don't Let Taxes Be Taxing

Everyone wants to save money on taxes. Period. Young or old, rich or poor, everyone is interested in keeping more of their money and paying less of it to Uncle Sam. So, what are some of the legal ways available to save money on taxes?

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