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Are you Achieving "TRUE" Productivity?

The trap of making productivity the end goal, instead of the means to achieve something. Our society has fetishized the concept of productivity and efficiency. For many of us, each moment has an associated "to-do", and we feel guilty if we allow ourselves to be idle. Humans are so addicted to busyness that one study found people preferred giving themselves electric shocks rather than having nothing to do.

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How to "Pay Yourself" First

Learn to "Pay Yourself". Studies show that emotional and physical well being comes from a sense of meaning in our lives. It is all too easy to live filled with the worries and responsibilities of getting through each day. In order to connect to a deeper sense of meaning, notice the activities that make time pass quickly, in a good way, and that you eagerly devote your energy towards.

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What If You Focused On Joy?

The Spring solstice is a natural time to freshen up, breathe in new life, and consider: what is it time to seed, what is it time to grow, and what is it time to clear out? 

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Don't Just Do Something. Sit There.

We are living amid continued economic and geopolitical uncertainty. This can challenge even the most steadfast of temperaments. It’s during times like this that we may fall susceptible to action bias.

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How Do You Feel About Money?

Here’s a question you may not have been asked. How do you feel about money? It’s no secret that money is an emotional topic. Everything important in our lives is.

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