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What Is Your Gratitude Practice

The last few weeks and months have had a lot of stress and uncertainty. So, instead of writing to you about politics, or the economy, or the supply chain, I figured I'd change the script and write about something completely different. Let's talk about gratitude. Is gratitude a practice for you?

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Are You Over the Relentless Pursuit of More?

How are you feeling about work these days? Are you taking stock of your life and starting to question your job? The pandemic caused many of us to think long and hard about: Where we work. How we work. What work means. What we want out of life.

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What Are You Working For?

I've been thinking lately about what I’m working for. So many of us, myself included, bought into society's definition of success, only to find that the big house, the fancy car, the expensive vacations make us feel stressed rather than satisfied.

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There Are No Wrong Decisions

Copious amounts of data and conflicting opinions can be very confusing when you have an important decision to make. The fear of making the wrong choice often results in endless wrangling over the upsides and downsides of each option.

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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World

“Change your thoughts and you can change your world.” is a well-known quote from Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking. A renewed sense of optimism and positivity has begun to build as cities and towns begin to open up. 

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