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What Are You Struggling With?

This September is different than in any year in history. 2020 has shown us that we must continue to learn and manage change, no matter what circumstances life puts before us. This, however, is easier said than done. Much if not most of our stress and emotional pain comes from our resistance to life as it is.

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What Wolf Are You Feeding?

There is a Native American parable: an elder is teaching his grandson about life, describing a fight between two wolves going on inside himself. One wolf is angry, jeolous, resentful and greedy. The other wolf is peaceful, loving, empathic and generous. "Which wolf will win?," asks the grandson. The elder replied: "the one you feed."

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What Are You Making Your Money Mean?

The mission I bring to my work is to educate others to see what ACTUALLY is, rather than the STORY of what is. Before we address spending plans or investment strategy, I encourage my clients to explore their relationship to money and the meaning they attribute to it. What are you making your money mean?

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Your Spiritual Retreat

While, the virus has certainly exacerbated the mental health challenges of many in our country and around the world, it has also achieved what wellness experts have been recommending for years—it has slowed life down.

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How Are You Leading - Yourself?

We have a choice. Epidemics, like earthquakes, tornadoes and floods, are part of the cycle of life on planet Earth. How will we respond? With greed, hatred, fear and ignorance? This only brings more suffering. Or with generosity, clarity, steadiness and love?
This is the time for love.        - Jack Kornfield, Buddhist teacher

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