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Are You Choosing Through Love or Fear?

How do you deal with sometimes overwhelming stress and insecurity? With a healthy dose of self-compassion! I have found a regular practice of self-love to be transformative, so just finding time to sit quietly and be with your thoughts is in and of itself helpful.

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Are You Thriving or Surviving?

Do you wake up every morning excited about the day ahead of you? Or, instead, do you start your workday as I did for many years, with a sense of dread?

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Are You Saying Yes to Too Many Things?

I am sooooo guilty of this - of saying yes to too many things. Coaching programs, mastermind groups, webinars, Facebook lives. It seems like each day brings new opportunity to learn how best to improve my health, solidify my relationships, grow my financial planning practice and deepen my spiritual life. Each offer seems like THE one thing I need to actualize my potential and be fufilled!

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What are you holding on to?

If the pandemic has taught us anything, there is no such thing as certainty. The best we can do is anticipate the future - and be prepared to pivot when that future arrives and is nothing like what we anticipated!

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Root Down to Rise Up

"Root down to rise up" is an instruction given often by yoga teachers. It uses linking language to connect two body parts, something I learned about during my yoga teacher training in 2012. By following this direction, the student enhances his or her pose by grounding or anchoring the lower body, allowing for greater freedom in the upper body. Without a firm foundation, however, the balance and alignment the body needs is compromised.

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Empty Your Cup

Empty your cup so that it may be filled. Emptiness is the starting point, when you are in a state of confusion, anger or blaming.....being empty is an opportunity to be filled. - Bruce Lee

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